Weight Watchers: Low-Impact Aerobics

Aileen Sheron
Year Released: 1995

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

This is a very nice beginner (not absolute beginner, though) or easy-day video. It truly is all low-impact, although most of the moves are easy to modify to high-impact. The music is nonvocal early 90s techno-y, but not annoying. It is about 40 minutes long, with a stretch at the beginning and a thorough, longer-than-usual stretch at the end. Great care is taken to warm you up and cool you down. There are two background women behind the lead. They are not young and not super skinny. They're very pleasant to watch. All three of the women are wearing leotard-like clothes, and the lead has puffy hair, but the overall appearance is not dated or eighties-ish. The set is brown with some blue and some plants, very pleasant. There are no pitches for weight watchers, in fact there is no talk about dieting or about appearances at all during the workout. The cueing is not brilliant but it gets the job done. The instructor is friendly and perky but not hyper, and she speaks very clearly. The format is take-it-from-the-top, but there are several different combinations to keep things moving. I like how the instructor sometimes does this neat little kick thing with her leg to signify the end of a specific move. The choreography is much more complicated than the Firm, for example, but still very, very simple. There are some knees, hamstrings, mambos (one of the background women demonstrates a turn version of this) - those kinds of common but fun moves. One things that is a little annoying, in my opinion, is that quite often during the tape (maybe 4 times?) there is a perceived exertion screen that comes on with a chart graphic asking you to rate your exertion level. It says things like, "A little difficult" and it suggests you "Slow down!" It's only after maybe 20 minutes that it tells you you're doing a good job if you're breathing hard. I think that's a little silly. But anyway - overall I recommend this tape.

