Serious Results

Jay Blahnik
Year Released: 1999

Categories: Total Body Workouts

This video is divided into 3 different workouts for your lower body and abs. No upper body. Each section starts right into the Standing Leg workout with no warm-up. There is a cooldown for each section. Jay teaches the standing leg work solo. He does squats (2count, 1count and pulse) and side squats. He also uses a step but that is optional. Jay also uses a bodybar and chair to help with balance. He also does dips, lunges, calf raises. He teaches at half temp and then at tempo. His teaching is slow and he tends to talk alot before each exercise which would be good for a beginner.

Jay doesn't use any weights on any of the standing leg work. There is a nice bunch of black dumbbells lined up right behind him but I guess they are only for decoration. Jay has a very nice muscular body and I'm sure he uses weights so I think the reason why he didn't use any for this workout is to make a beginner feel better? Jay is friendly and chatty during the exercise. At the end of each section, he has one of his students and clients come in to do the ab work while Jay coaches.

The ab work is slow and controlled. For example a lift hold crunch and then he has you lift out your leg to make it tougher. Then you do oblique twists with the leg out. Also he does ab stabilization by lifting your leg out and holding it with your abs. No back work. The girl doing the workout was in great shape. Jay even mentioned that she had 3 kids, including twins to my awe! I've had twins and my question is,"Where is her twin skin?!" Her abs are awesome shape with no loose skin.

Jay seems to have a raspy, frog in the throat voice which was distracting and he keeps telling the model, "You look great!" and you at home. She does look great but it was overly emphasized. He finally recommends using a weight at the end of the workout to make it more challenging. I wish he demonstrated this. I would say this is a more beginner to intermediate workout. The music is CIA. I recognized some songs from the new 9900 series (9903 Donna Read Step, 99?? Step with Franny, Stepping Zone/Christi Taylor). The cool down music was from CIA Dynamix Just Chillin' Again and I recognized in from CIA 9903 R.O.M stretch section and CIA 9801 step cooldown. You get the picture, we've heard it before. Jay is friendly and laid back but if only he picked up some of those big black dumbbells behind him, I would consider the title of the video more seriously.

Mandy Lee
