Fat Burner Walk 2 Miles

Leslie Sansone
Year Released: 1998

Categories: Walking Aerobics

The title on the cover is Fat Burner Walk 2 but the title at the beginning of the workout is Walk & Firm 2 Mile Cross Trainer. This workout is copyright 1998 and is directed by Cal Pozo who also directed the Two Mile Walk. The production quality is also like the Two Mile Walk except the set is very different. It looks sort of like a talk show set with a “living room” on the platform behind that area that Leslie does the workout in. It sounds funky, but I actually find the set quite pleasant. Leslie is alone in this workout, no background exercisers.

The workout has toning exercises as well as walking. Leslie uses one pound glove weights but says you can use one or two pound dumbbells. It seems that Leslie is trying to emphasize the toning a bit more and the walking segments only have one set of kicks and one set of knee lifts. The workout is generally broken up with toning segments alternating with one minute walking segments but there is about a half-mile of brisk walking in the middle. Most of the toning is squats or lunges, neither of which does Leslie really stress form although she has a couple of pointers. The lunges are not even on both sides. She usually does biceps with the squats. While walking she does overhead presses and pushes the weight forward (sort of a lateral chest press). Two interesting exercises she does toward the end are a balance exercise standing on one leg and doing a knee lift and taking the leg back and then she does shrugs (which is an exercise I see in many weight training books but not in videos). I really liked these because she emphasized the balance aspect of the balance exercise and she instructs the shrugs well.

I have this workout on the Deluxe Fat Burning Workout DVD but it is also available on its own. The DVD is chaptered as follows:
Introduction Ch. 1 0:00
Warm Up 2 1:00
Tone & Burn 3 6:16
Cool Down 4 22:03 (n.b. the cool down actually starts at 27:55 this was not chaptered correctly)
The workout finishes at 32:00.

Instructor Comments:
Leslie is her usual bubbly self but without background exercisers she is not as "chatty" as she is on some videos. While her instruction is not bad she does not instruct on form very well and since toning is an emphasis of this workout is is important to note.

