A Closer 2 Mile Walk

Leslie Sansone
Year Released: 2008

Categories: Walking Aerobics

I enjoyed Leslie's new "A Closer Two Mile Walk." There are no jogging intervals and no boosters - just the two mile walk at her standard pace which is about 14 minutes or so per mile. The walk is about 30 minutes long, and Leslie features her standard steps. Carol (one of my favorites) was a backgrounder along with three other ladies that I did not recognize. At the end during the credits, there's a brief bio on each of the backgrounders and we learn that one lady is a moderator on Leslie's board, one lady lost 90 pounds, Carol lost 70 pounds, one lady is on Leslie's production team, etc. There were some gospel songs interspersed throughout the walk but I also heard plenty of generic tracks from her other walks as well. I liked that there were a few on screen Bible verses during the walk (e.g. I can do all things through Christ... and Walk by faith..., etc.). As with all of Leslie's walks, the moves are easy to modify to increase the intensity of the workout.

At the end, there was a clip of Leslie's Pastor (Father Bill?? - I forget his name) offering a prayer and blessing for Leslie's new studio. His speech and prayer was VERY uplifting to me and I felt very blessed by hearing it. I can definitely envision listening to it whenever I do the walk. This is a very nice touch, IMHO.

Instructor Comments:

Tracy aka a_real_twit
