Yoga Can Balance Your Life

Julie Rubio
Year Released: 2003

Categories: Yoga

POWER YOGA FANS DO NOT ENTER****I had never heard of this DVD but was able to get it through the swap and I think it's going to become a favorite. However, as my lead line suggests, power yoga fans will hate this video. This is yoga that is slow and serene. The postures are held luxuriously long allowing you to work into the stretch. I feel you can really work on your flexibility with this one. The DVD is filmed on the North shore of Oahu and features Julie alone. The visual impact of the setting is quite stunning and attractive. Julie is on a wooden platform amongst intense greenery, wearing a bright orange red top and pants on a bright blue mat with the bluest ocean and soft sand in the background. The music is soft and unobtrusive. I'd say similar to Gaiam and Yoga Zone productions. On the woo-woo factor scale I'd say low : she begins and ends with three OMs (one each for mind, body, and spirit). The video is done in voiceover style by Julie. Here is a breakdown of the workout:

Run time around 60 min.

deep breath or two seated
seated shoulder rotations (forward and back)
seated neck rolls
seated torso twists w arms above head
seated side stretch
seated shoulder stretch
seated cross leg forward bend
seated spinal twist
seated forward bend legs straight in front
seated forward bend legs apart (straddle) then to right and left leg
Boat pose w variations
kneeling side bend (look over shoulder)
relaxation stretch
downward dog
sun salutations
mountain pose
right angle pose
half moon pose (balance pose)
squat (goddess pose)
dancer psoe
eagle pose
tree pose
squat (goddess)
laying leg lift (both legs straight)
leg stretch
spine stretch
8 minute relaxation some of it guided

As you can see she packs alot into the hour but the pace is slow. I like doing the seated stretches first. I used to take a class and that is what we did. It seems to relax and stretch the body before the more challening standing work. I hope Julie comes out with some more DVD's soon. I love her style. One note, there is a puzzling review of this on Amazon where someone states that she has an annoying accent, well, she has no accent at all. I'm wondering if that reviewer confused her with someone else (Wai Lana???).

Instructor Comments:
Soothing voice, has been a yoga professional for years.

