Hard Core Abs And Back

Keli Roberts
Year Released: 2001

Categories: Abs/Core

This 30-minute tape uses the mini Body Bar (2 feet, 4 pounds) to work your abs, back and obliques. A lot of the moves are inspired by yoga and Pilates, but nothing too intricate. I found the ab section to be just so-so, as there was not a lot of intensity or variety of exercises. Also, a four-pound Body Bar might not seem like much weight, but when you are holding it out in front of you during the entire ab series, the shoulders get really fatigued. After a while, I hold the bar closer into my body, which really lessens the strain on my shoulders but, in my opinion, does not lessen the effectiveness of the ab routines.

The oblique work is short but very intense and quite excellent. The back work is also impressive with some creative variations of Cobra and plank work. I did make a few modifications in regard to equipment. In one move, in which you extend one arm and the opposite leg, Keli suggests putting the Body Bar on the lower back/hip to keep you "honest." I didn't want to have to worry about the Body Bar rolling off, so I put a five-pound leg weight on my back; it seemed to keep me "honest" enough in regard to my body position and maintaining tight abs. In another back movement, where you are on your knees and curling forward, four pounds didn't seem to do much for me, so I switched to my 18-pound Body Bar and that was much better.

I recognized a lot of the music from Cathe's CTX series, especially Leaner Legs. The set is what has been referred to as CIA's "Chinese Restaurant" look, which I found pleasant enough. Keli has two background exercisers assisting her.

Instructor Comments:
Keli Robrts is a very warm and cheerful instructor.

