Sweating in the Spirit

Donna Richardson
Year Released: 2005

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

I just got this in a trade. The workout is about 45 minutes long. I was actually able to do it the first time! This is so unusual for me with any kind of choreography. I keep trying "dancy" workouts and end up disappointed and depressed (Disco Sweat, Bollywood, etc.).

I'll admit that the moves aren't very complicated. Donna cues well in Spirit. (Much better than in "Donnamite" which I was never able to learn.) The music is great and makes you want to move. Her mom is in the workout, dancing along next to her. That's cool. (I've always liked the Gilad shows where his mom is in the workout).

The workout is mostly low impact. I did modify a few of the steps.

And there is a surprisingly funny part early in the workout. A banner appears on the bottom of the screen which states:

WARNING!!! Donna can NOT sing!!!

Then she starts singing along with the choir, somewhat off-key. What a terrific sport she must be to have put that in the video. I really admire her sense of humor about herself!

(Note: I did have a bit of soreness in my knees for a few days after doing this workout. It was mostly low impact, so I think it's just me. I have to be careful with turns and pivots that torque my knees.)

Instructor Comments:
Donna is super energetic. With a dazzling smile and a great attitude.

