
Donna Richardson
Year Released: 1995

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

This is going to sound very odd, because it's a positive review and yet after two workouts I gave it away in the Video Exchange. I thought this tape would be great for someone that hasn't exercised in a while and was thinking of maybe trying a video. It is very fun and likeable, and I kept wishing I could actually take a live class with this bunch! The Motown music is fun, although I wonder if I would tired of it after a while. I kind of like more "nameless" stuff in my videos.
The main reason I gave this away is because I felt it just wasn't intense enough for me and didn't picture doing it very often. Although, there is something odd about the cueing. Somehow this video is not as easy to follow as it should be. I got Sweat Express around the same time, and SE was really no more difficult to learn, although I would consider it a more advanced tape.

Donna and the whole cast is definitely what makes this tape great.

Jen Blaske
