100 Reps

Katrina Rich
Year Released: 2002

Categories: Total Body Workouts

Talk about repetitive. Of course, I didn’t expect anything else, given the title. However, since I had never seen this type of workout, wherein you do 100 reps of 14 different strength exercises, I wanted to give it a whirl. I bought a used copy on the Amazon Marketplace because I suspected I would not like it and therefore didn’t want to pay full price. I decided I would attack the workout by doing just one or two exercises each session as an add-on to my main workout for that day. Even that was too boring for me. But if this sounds like your style, this would be a great choice because the instructor, Katrina Rich, is very pleasant and motivating. The production is average to above-average; not anything award-winning, but certainly not bad.

Annie S.
