
Charlene Prickett
Year Released: 1988

Categories: Athletic Stretch

I truly believe that this is one of the most thorough, athletic stretch programs you could ever hope to pick up! It is about 40 min long and totally gets into every little nook and cranny on your body.

I really like the way I feel after doing this tape, but i will admit that it is the last stretch tape I ever grab, becasue of how long it is. The time drags by. It is great that the stretches are held for a really long time and that she reaches some of the muscles that we seldom think about stretching, but I get so bored that it feels more like a 2 hour long stretch tape to me. If I'm going to do such a long strecth, I'll do it in Yoga.

Instructor Comments:
Charlene is great and I love the fact that I learn so much from her.

Cori (ziggy2306)
