Cruising Altitude

Charlene Prickett
Year Released: 2000

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

This is another great cardio video for Charlene fans. Not too fancy, although she has some new moves and makes her routines a little longer - she has a run "rock back" step I liked. You don't need 2000 square feet to do this workout and it's not a complex dance routine. She never does the TIFTT so you're never bored. You can get a great cardio workout using little space. She has that strange music that was also in "Oxygen in, Calories out" and it goes for the whole workout except the stretch but it didn't seem to bother me since I was trying to concentrate on the moves and not step on my 22 month old!! The tape is 60 minutes, with about 47 minutes of straight cardio and a stretch at the end (she doesn't do stretches at the beginning anymore).

Instructor Comments:
Charlene is always perky and is in great shape. I enjoy her relaxed attitude with her work-out mates.

Tammy Porter
