Powerstrike Millenium Series #2

Ilaria Montagnani, Patricia Moreno
Year Released: 2001

Categories: Boxing/Kickboxing/Martial Arts

I LOOOOOVED this workout! I am an advanced exerciser who was growing bored with step and hi/lo so decided to try out kickboxing. I liked Cathe's stuff so I figured I'd give Patricia & Ilaria a try. I am so glad I did. The workout is tough. I am an intensity junkie, and always worry about a workout not being geared toward the advanced exerciser. This one absolutely is made for the advanced exerciser. I was drenched at the end of this workout, and it is winter and pretty chilly in this old house regardless of how high the thermostat is. I felt my upper back burning within 10 minutes of ending the workout - how's that for DOMS??? Ilaria & Patricia take turns leading you up to a combo, layering one extra punch or kick, etc onto the end of the last round until you've got the finished product. I give this one an A+!!

Instructor Comments:
Patricia & Ilaria have a great on screen rapport. They have fun throughout this tape, goofing on each other's occassional mess ups and laughing together. They constantly emphasize the importance of proper form throughout the entire tape. They both appear to be very knowledgeable in martial arts, and have the physiques to match that knowledge. These ladies are CUT!

