Powerstrike Millenium Series #2

Ilaria Montagnani, Patricia Moreno
Year Released: 2001

Categories: Boxing/Kickboxing/Martial Arts

I received my Millennium 1 and 2 tapes and did 2 last night - WOW! This tape is amazing. I previewed it a bit and it seemed really easy since there is hardly any impact, but I noticed that the entire class, including the instructors were sweating like crazy.

So I tried it and couldn't believe the workout I got - this is GREAT for anyone who wants a good cardio low impact workout w/o weights. No equipment at all is needed and you barely need any space (you could do this in your bathroom!).

The combos include moves such as jabs, cross punches, uppercuts, hooks, push kicks, back kicks, side kicks, squats, push-ups, and some jumping jacks.

What I really loved about it is that proper form/technique are constantly emphasized throught the entire workout. I really felt as though I were in an actual kickboxing class and now I'm interested in taking karate or something similar.

One of the instructors is a black belt in karate and has impeccable form, defined abs, and is so fun to watch. The other one is a fitness/dance instructor. They trade off leading the workout and seem to be having a blast w/ each other.

The bangin' techno music is also very motivating, though I did notice the same music is on both tapes (hopefully I won't get sick of it!).

I am looking forward to the third volume of this Millennium series, which is supposed to be available on DVD.

Instructor Comments:
Ilaria is a martial arts expert and it really shows - her form is perfect. Both instructors seem to be having a blast and seem to know each other very well and laugh when they screw up. Patricia & Ilaria constantly gives form pointers all throughout the entire workout and have lots of energy.

