Powerstrike Millenium Series #1

Ilaria Montagnani, Patricia Moreno
Year Released: 2000

Categories: Boxing/Kickboxing/Martial Arts

I decided to buy this video because I heard so many good things about it from Video Fitness and from the Cathe forum. Before doing this video for the first time, I previewed it. I knew it would be a great workout. I noticed two things: the workout has very few breaks and is virtually non-stop and Ilaria's toned arms and abs.
The first time I did this workout was after I had a bad day at work. I pictured my boss'face when I punched. Towards the end of this workout I was drenched in sweat. At times during this workout my arms, shoulders and abs were really burning. Now I know why Ilaria's body looks so good.
This workout is different than Cardio Kicks and Taebo. Unlike CK, powerstrike is all kickboxing. Powerstrike is different from Taebo because it is more choreographed. You do different drills then put them together. For instance, jab, cross, hook put together with a kick. This workout has slightly more punching than kicking. I was suprised at how high my heart rate was during the punching. Also, my arms and shoulders really got a great workout.
Although this is one of the hardest workouts i've ever done, i felt invigorated after it. It really helped me relieve some stress.
I have done Taebo, Spinervals, and Cathe and in my opinion powerstrike is right up there with those videos in both intensity and fun.

Instructor Comments:
I love these two instructors. They really work well together. I am in awe of Ilaria's form. It is easy to see that she is a black belt in karate.

pat griffin
