
Jill Johnson
Year Released: 1997

Categories: Instructional / How To Videos

I bought Oxycise with my own money after a heated thread on the VF forum. My waist is my biggest trouble spot, and I was hoping that these fantastic claims about Oxycise would help whittle my waistline and improve my posture. I returned the tapes to Oxycise after two weeks (they have a thirty-day guarantee).

Jill Johnson, the creator of Oxycise, is a very sincere and friendly woman on these tapes. She is not at all like Greer Childs (is that her name?) from the Body Flex informercials. She wears a white leotard for the exercises to demonstrate form, but her background exercisers (very normal, everyday people, no buff bodies) wear looser-style workout gear. Jill demonstrates the breathing techniques on the first tape, which is also dotted with testimonials from very normal-looking and happy people. Jill oftens seems to get cotton-mouth when she is demonstrating the techniques, but it was kind of endearing. The second tape, which is a set of thirty positions in which you perform the breathing exercises, takes about 15-17 minutes. You breath quickly in through your nose, take three quick breaths while tilting up the pelvis and tightening the buns, then forcfully exhale through tightened lips, and exhale three more times quickly. You perform this routine in a number of positions designed to target the abs, obliques, buns, inner and outer thighs, and arms.

The breathwork is very relaxing, and I think it may help those with stress-related headaches. I performed these breathing exercises with gusto for ten days, and my waistline INCREASED an inch. Not the desired result. I will say that all the people at Oxycise with whom I've dealt, including when I returned the tapes, were unfailingly pleasant and dedicated to their customers.

The day before I returned my tapes, Tim Culwell was introduced as the director of training for Oxycise. I thought about giving the tapes another try, but they are clearly not for me.

Instructor Comments:
Very sincere, pleasant, not at all "slick" or arrogant.

