Cardio Coach Volume 8

Sean O'Malley
Year Released: 2008

Categories: Treadmill/Elliptical/Running/Stairs
- Audio Workout

We all exercise for different reasons; some do it for health, others for stress relief, others want to feel good. Life can get in the way for even the most dedicated of exercisers. The anticipation of doing a Cardio Coach workout is enough to motivate me, even on the days when I just don’t feel like exercising.

I had the privilege of previewing Cardio Coach Volume 8. I knew it would be a tough workout. But, I was very motivated to do this workout, in order to help Sean.

In a previous post, Vrinda has given a very detailed breakdown of the the Cardio Coach Vol. 8 workout; my review focuses on my thoughts & feelings as I was doing the workout. I’m an advanced exerciser, very much into weight training, kettlebells and yoga. I’ve recently added running to my exercise routines though, as a cross-training activity. Cardio Coach helps me tremendously; I’ve even started to enjoy running. Now on to the workout itself.

Sean is his usual, motivating self. I’m just getting into the warm-up, feeling loose, when Sean says “Okay, your challenge begins here.” I’m thinking to myself, “Gosh, I wish this warm-up could go on.” Sean seems to be a mind reader though, since he goes on to say, “. . . but don’t panic, we’ll use the next few minutes to ease into the challenge.” I breathe a small sigh of relief.

Challenge 1
Did I mention that I’m not really a runner? Needles to say, I’m not the most graceful looking person when I’m running. But, when Sean says “Everything is as it should be. You’re looking good. “I feel strong, powerful, and like a true athlete.

Once again Sean comes in at exactly the right time with, “I’m right here with you. I know your legs are screaming. You can do this.” How does he do that? He MUST be a mind reader, since this is at the point where I’m thinking, “Oh boy, how on earth can I finish this challenge?” Of course I can, Sean is running right along with me.

Steady 1
Music here is perfect for recovering and gathering my thoughts for the tough challenge ahead.

Challenge 2
This challenge is a long one; 2 8+ minute sections. I felt so accomplished when I finished this section; my prior run training was more along the lines of run 1 minute, walk 2 minutes, run 1 minute etc. I’m now thinking to myself, “I can really do this!”

The music in this section is one with a heavy beat, perfect for pacing. It helps to have Sean whispering, “Persistence, focus” at the start too. Sean’s encouragement, once again, comes at just the right time, “Here is where we grow stronger, leaner and more empowered.”

Setting exercise goals and accomplishing them, is a metaphor for life. Sean’s focus on action and doing, is just what I need to hear for the other parts of my life too.

Steady 2
I know we all have choices in life and we create our own success. It helps to hear Sean saying, “We create our own reality. . .When you choose to hear it.” I’m feeling so strong and empowered during this workout, the statement really stuck home.

Challenge 3
As I first did Challenge 3, I’m feeling a bit tired and a bit discouraged because I think I should be running faster and harder. Then it struck me, “I’m here, I’m working hard and I’m not about to give up!” This is what challenging yourself is all about. It’s not about what I think I “should” be doing, it’s about what I’m doing right here and now and giving it my all.

Cool Down
It’s worth it to power through the entire workout to hear Sean say, “You did it. I’m proud of you.”

It sure was nice to lie down and stretch. I’m sure my neighbors thought I was strange, since I chose to do the stretch in my front yard. It was just so nice outside; I wanted to enjoy the outdoors a bit more.

After the stretch, there was some time of just quiet music and no talking. This was perfect was taking some deep breaths and reflecting upon what I had just accomplished.

Instructor Comments:

Nancy Loderick
