Aero-Jump Ultimate Jump Rope Workout

Michael Olajide
Year Released: 1998

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

I bought Aerojump because I like to work out in the morning. The problem is, I only have half-an-hour. I wanted a cardio workout that would make the most efficient use of that time. This workout is it.

The tape begins with a few pointers about workout gear, nutrition, and music. Supposedly, this tape is an abbreviated version of the Aerojump workout, so you can use it as a guide to make up your own workout. That's great, but I couldn't imagine doing any more rope jumping than what was on this tape. The workout is really hard!

After the pointers, there is a brief warm up and stretching section. Don't skip it. Jumping rope is murder on your calves. I also found that it hurts the balls of your feet. I'm wondering if anyone else had that experience.

The workout itself is very tough. Michael leads you through regular jumps, downhill skiing jumps, jumping jacks, and a variety of other challenging jumps. There are brief rest periods in between, but if you're not used to jumping rope for your cardio, they're too brief. Your heart should be really pounding by the end of the first two sections.

A previous review gave most of the details so I'll just tell you that this cardio workout for anyone who wants to burn fat in as little time as possible. If you can't jump rope in your house, you could even do this without the rope and probably still get a great workout. I think I've found my favorite new cardio tape.

Instructor Comments:
Michael is pleasant and encouraging. He mumbles a little, but he seems enthusiastic about the workout, which is helpful with such a challenging routine.

Angela C.
