Abs and Stretch

Amy Bento
Year Released: 2006

Categories: Abs/Core , Athletic Stretch

2 Abs (ea. about 15min), 2 stretch (1st 10min, 2nd 15 min).
The moves are a bit difficult to describe as many are non-standard - so please bear with me. For the abs, the music is about 68 bpm, and forgettable techno.

Abs #1
1) 8x squats, arms cross down in front, passing wide to overhead, singles pace;
2) Hold arms up, 16x 'wave' whole body (side leans) leaving arms overhead. Singles pace.
3) Now with alt arms overhead/by thigh (standard move), singles pace. 12 of them
4) Couple of deep breath with big arms.
5) Back stretch, arms clasped forward, tail-bone tucked under

Light Bells, standing, feet shoulder width apart:
1) 24 alt side bends w/arms held straight down by side; 4 beats= right, left, right, left. Yes, it's a bit quick so use light weights!
2) 24 side bends to right only w/ left hand moving from shoulder to ext, pass in front of forehead. I found this too fast for the weight I initially chose. Lightened it & then fine. 4 beats= arm- out, back, out, back.
3) Rpt other side.
4) Bring feet in a bit. Arms bent in front as if ½-way through a bicep curl - hold there & twist body side to side. 40 twists (20 ea. side). 4 beats= left, right, left, right.
5) Drop one weight. Hands on each end of one bell. On one side only, drive elbow back as if hitting someone behind you - 20 of them. 4 beats= drive, drive, drive, drive.
6) Rpt other side.
7) As previous, but alternating sides, 24 in total. 4 beats= left, right, left right.
8) Feet together, still only a single bell, both hands in the middle & held overhead. Alternate bending to the side, 18 bends in total. 4 beats= Down, 2 up, 2. It's a slow one.
[U]To the floor on mat[/U]
9) Sit with legs slightly bent out in front, lean back, arms out at shoulder height. The move: sit up, arms to overhead then lean back, arms to horizontal. 4 beats = down, 2, up, 2. 18 lifts in total; hold for 8 beats on final down move. Stay there.
10) Do the same as above, but arms go wide (stay horizontal) when lift body to upright. 14 lifts, hold for 8 count on final down move.
11) On your back, bent legs curled into chest for a few breaths.
12) Feet down, standard upper crunches. 4 beats= up, down, up, down. 26 of them.
13) Raise bent legs so shins horizontal, arms straight past ears, upper crunch. 4 beats= up, down, up, down. 28 lifts.
14) Lie flat, arms past ears, stretch, beathing.
15) Raise straight legs to vertical above hips, shoulder width apart, arms by thighs, palms down. 8 beats= down, 2, 3, 4, up, 2, 3, 4. 10 of them. THESE I felt!
16) Pull bent legs to chest, wrap arms & breath.
17) Rock up to sitting cross-legged for breathing - DONE.

Abs #2
No warmup.
On the mat.
1) Plank position, on elbows & toes, feet together, hold for 32 count.
2) Stay there for hip lifts. 4 beats= up, 2, down, 2. 13 lifts.
3) Child's pose, breath.
4) Back to plank, on hands & toes, feet wide. Hold for 8 count.
5) Now drive knee to opposite hip, take back. Alternate legs. 4 beats= cross, back, cross, back. 24 (12 ea. leg)
6) Sit back on heels, breath with big arms.
7) Plank again, hands, feet apart. Alternate driving knee directly forwards towards chest. Faster pace. 4 beats= in, in, in, in. 32 (16 ea. leg)
8) Sit back on heels, breath with big arms.
9) Crunches: Grab ball. Sit on it. Roll down until mid/lower back is on ball, thighs horizontal, knees square, arms crossed w/hands to shoulders. The crunch is to lift the torso so only your lower back is on the ball, lift toes, arms straight out at 45° angle. 4 beats= up, back, up, back. 24 of them.
10) Roll-outs: Off the ball, knees on the mat, elbows on the ball. 4 beats= out, 2, back, 2. 16 of them.
11) Grab a single bell. Sit on ball, roll down as before. Hold bell with both hands, arms out at 45. Go back until arms past ears, then do a pullover into high crunch, lift toes again too. 4 beats= back, 2, crunch, 2. 16 of them.
12) Same starting position as above. Chop bell down to right thigh, then left thigh. Roll ball under back as you chop. 4 beats= chop, chop, chop, chop.
13) Sit up, drop bell, breath with big arms.
14) Pick up weight, held with both hands. Roll back down until only upper back on ball (bridge). Long arm (Russian) chops directly to the side level with shoulders, one side only. Again, roll ball under back as chop. 4 beats= down, up, down, up. 8 of them.
15) Repeat on the other side
16) Same again, but alternate sides, 8 in total (4 each side).
15) Ditch the weight. To the floor. Lie down, thighs/calves on ball, arms out to the side level with shoulders, palms down. Roll ball to the side until legs at 45°. Alternate sides. 4 beats= down, 2, up, 2.
16) Legs vertical, ball between ankles, arms overhead past ears. Take the ball to just touch the floor. When coming up, lift hips too. 4 beats= down, 2, up, 2. Only 4.
17) Add arms. When legs/ball come up, reach for the ball (double long-lever crunch). 4 beats= down, 2, up, 2. 16 of them.
17) Sit up, straight legs, wide apart. Breathing. Twist and hold ball behind right leg. Hold for 8. Repeat other side.
18) Up onto knees, round body over the ball in front - DONE.

I've done these twice, both back-back and certainly felt it the next day.

I don't have time now to do a detailed stretch review, but my impressions were:

Felt a bit like yoga, but not quite. I think the only actual yoga moves were down-dog & cobra. Her voice was good for this, she kept it soft & calm. I remember the music being very soothing. The first wasn't long enough - just getting into it and it was over, only 10 min. So I've run them together instead. The second is longer (15 min).

Instructor Comments:
I like Amy's personality - not excessive in any direction. She's relaxed and informal. Cueing is fine as are form pointers and the occasional "Come on! You can do it! Only 4 more!!"

