Abs and Stretch

Amy Bento
Year Released: 2006

Categories: Abs/Core , Athletic Stretch

This is a 60 minute workout divided into 4 sections. Two sections work your abdominals from all angles and the last two stretch your total body.

Amy uses a mat, stability ball, light weights and a resist-a-band.


Ab Section 1
Ab Section 2
Stretch Section 1
Stretch Section 2

Here is a breakdown of the moves:

Ab 1:

Amy does a very brief warm up in this segment. Then using the dumbbells, she does side bends. Taking the left arm, she drives the dumbbell across to the right (similar to a punching move) Repeat to other side. Then she puts the dumbbells in both hands, holds them to the front and does twists side to side to work the obliques. Next she does an elbow strike using one dumbbell to each side. Then hold weight above head & stretch to the side squeezing abs. Next up is v-sits on the floor. Reach up for 2 counts and back for 2. (never coming all the way to the floor) Then she does this move with arms to the sides. Bring knees to chest and stretch out before setting up for the next exercise. Regular crunches are up next, single count. She changes it up by having knees up in air and hands are above the head, crunching up. Full body stretch (lying flat on floor stretching arms overhead and legs out straight) prepares you for more work! Legs straight up in the air, feet apart slightly, drop legs to floor 4 counts, lift back up 4 counts. This works the lower abs and finishes up this segment.

Abs 2:

If you LOVE plank work, this section is for you!! Amy starts out in plank position on elbows. (long holds, 24 counts) Then, while still holding the plank, she lifts her hips up for 2, down for 2. Then she releases into shell stretch (or child's pose). More planks follow, this time on hands with legs wide apart. She drives the knee in on an angle targeting obliques. Then she drives the knee forward into the chest (all while maintaining that plank position). Stretch then grab that stability ball. Roll down on ball and prepare for crunches with different arm motions. Amy then does ball roll outs (where you are on your knees and you place your hands/forearms on top of ball and roll the ball out and using your ab muscles pull the ball back toward you). Back to crunches on the ball using weight to increase intensity. Bridge up with head on ball, twist to one side with the weight, repeat to other side. Then move to the floor, with shins on ball, roll the ball to each side crunching your side abdominals. Ball between legs, 2 counts down, 2 up, then add crunch with arms. A few stretches using the ball round out this section.

Stretch 1:

This is all standing work. Using a resist-a-band, inhale up with arms overhead repeating several times. Then reach arms overhead and reach over to the side, hold, repeat to other side. Amy then does a few shoulder rolls and then pulls arms forward stretching her back. Drop band, bend down with hands on quads twisting to the side to stretch shoulder, outer back muscles. (repeat other way) Standing twist, opposite hand to foot, twisting the spine. Several deep breaths follow. Standing quad stretch then forward bend. Next is tree pose releasing arms forward. The last move in this section is an inner thigh stretch.

Stretch 2:

This segment is all seated stretches. Deep breaths prepare you, then draw arms in front, clasp hands, stretch. Slide legs out, hands behind you/palms flat facing opposite direction and stretch your chest area. Then Amy lifts into reverse plank. She follows this up with seated forward bend, then grabs the band to deepen it. Lying on your back, grab your band, extend leg in air, wrap band around foot and stretch hamstring. Then that same leg moves to the side to deepen the inner thigh stretch. Repeat other leg. Knees to chest then move into runners lunge. Amy then straightens the front leg to target the hamstrings. Down dog is next, then into slow cobra, finally relaxing into child's pose to finish.

Instructor Comments:

