NAC (National Aerobic Champions) Interval Challenge

Year Released: 1997

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

This video has already been broken down quite well so I'll add my opinion. At first, I didn't like it. One year after, I really gave it a shot & thought it was ok. I think it's because I am kind of klutzy was why I was turned off at first. The other day I wanted a light work out, so I decided to use it. I was really surprized how fun it really is & how I it was actually not hard at all(thanks to Firm & Tae Bo). I stumbled on a couple of moves (due to lack of space & minor klutziness). Over all this an intermediate video, but still fun to do on a light day for an advanced. I might add it goes by really fast & the set is interesting.

Instructor Comments:
They're actually fun- they talk alot but not in a way that's annoying or with any silly whooping. It's actually encouraging, especially the voiceovers. I also feel better about myself when I see their thighs- big but strong.

