Kickbutt Bootcamp

Mindy Mylrea
Year Released: 2006

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

There are five sections, the warm up, three workouts, and the cool down/stretch. My favorite is the hi/lo med section, the moves are basic so that you concentrate on intensity, it is a calorie blaster for sure and easy to follow.

My second favorite is the step bootcamp which uses the med ball at times. This is a tough, fast, a mega calorie blaster for sure. The moves are easy to master and easy to modify, I don't like to turn so I don't. She has some push ups but not too many, and if you are only doing it cardio you can skip them.

The Kickbox section, has no fancy moves, easy to follow, not as intense as the previous two workouts.

IMO It is a must for advance exercisers it is fun, and tough, I really enjoyed a good sweat.

Thank You Mindy!

Instructor Comments:
Mindy shines in this workout, she is an inspiration. She is in excellent shape I know that she is not 27 ha, ha.

Onix Hernandez
