Reebok: Circuit Challenge

Gin Miller
Year Released: 1993

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Step Aerobics

This is one of my favorites videos. I always do this one when I'm in a bad mood or just don't feel like exercising. The one hour workout goes by really quickly because the routine changes every minute or so. Gin alternates between step aerobics and toning and also shows a lot of modifications for each exercise. There are three sections to the workout and like the Cathy Smith tapes you can advance to the cool down after each section if you need to. Everyone has on a different outfit in each section of the tape so you can easily tell what section you've forwarded to by what Gin and crew are wearing. There is a heart rate check at the end of each section and somewhere on the tape is the perceived exertion check.

I like the set and the music which is played by a group on the set. Shots of the musicians are shown throughout the workout.

The only thing I don't like about the tape is the ab section. It's not challenging at all. Most of the time I skip it and do my own ab routine (or do the one at the end of Energy Sprint).

