Yoga Journal's: Yoga Step-by-Step: The Total Guide To Managing Stress

Baxter Bell
Year Released: 2004

Categories: Yoga

Danielle* has already provided a very nice description of this release and it's not a favorite for me either.

The good points: There is a timer feature that lets you pause during the restorative practice so that you can remain in a position longer. This feature would work better if there was a music off option (they give you other audio options, after all). The pluck, pluck, pluck guitar is maddening and of course it stops when you pause only to irritatingly resume when the timer activates. Some of the positions in this practice are fairly unusual, like constructive rest and psoas release.

The stress prevention practice is nothing special and, as with other releases in the Step by Step series, seems superficial.

Not crazy about the meditation, relaxation etc. either. I think Baxter Bell probably deserves a more worthy showcase.

I hope the timer function is adopted by other videos. Much handier than pausing and timing separately.

Instructor Comments:

Sharon Frost
