The Method: All in One Workout

Jennifer Kries, Lakey Evans, Alexandra Mckechnie
Year Released: 1997

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Pilates/Core Strength

As a former dancer, I really enjoy this tape. It's just enough for a mild workout on a regular basis. I started using it when I was very out of shape, and found it comfortable. As my fitness progresses, I find the arm and ab work still provide challenges.

The ab section is my favorite. Jennifer Kries puts me though the only really challenging ab work I've ever found that does not hurt my back. It does involve a few full-length sit-ups that might cause discomfort for some people. There are also some good spine stretches and relaxation moves. There's a more involved version of this segment on the Method Precision Toning tape, without the stretches.

I find the cardio segments a bit lacking, both in terms of the workout and the video production. Alexandra tends to lose the rythm or drop a move too often for my taste. Some of the patterns end up unbalanced bacause of it.

There is also one move with the hand weights which we never clearly see Alexandra do on camera. The background folks do several variations, and it seems to change after several repetitions.

Instructor Comments:

