The Method: All in One Workout

Jennifer Kries, Lakey Evans, Alexandra Mckechnie
Year Released: 1997

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Pilates/Core Strength

This video is very good for someone who may be a dancer or someone who really likes dancing. I like dance but, this was fun just not challeging some thing i would do on a easy workout day. First section is with Lakey Evans, were she does some strethes and some dancy like moves this section lasts about 15 min. Then the second instructor (I can not remeber her name but I really liked her) does aerobics which are alot of fun but, not that instense as I would of liked. She also does some toning which is pretty affective. The section is Jennifer Kries she does the ab work and which I think is okay but, she not as good as the other two instructors in my eyes. But all in all it's a keeper I've donn three times so far and it seems to be getting better when I have the patince and time for the video it's pretty good. The tape is about 90 min long and for an intermediate exersiser not at all advanced. Easy to follow, exersisers not hard at all.

Instructor Comments:
Lakey Evans is pretty good I would like to see her working out solo though. Jennifer Kries okay, very flexible.

Lisa Winters
