Pure Tranquility

Rainbeau Mars
Year Released: 2002

Categories: Yoga

Pure Tranquility is a wonderful seated practise that will prepare you for meditation. Ifyou don't want to meditate its a great tool for winding down the day or to add onto the end of a power or ashtanga practise.

You remain seated throught the asana's, First you prepare with breathing and focusing. This is quite relaxing and grounding. Next you perform seated twists, moving on to arms and shoulders and then some very lovely leg stretching. The practise is slow and very focused. Its quite lovely. Finally you sit in seated meditation and do a short one.

On the DVD there is a Bonus meditation that focuses on the Chakras. Doing this is a nice way to end the practise.

On DVD you also have the option of doing the session without the narration; with music only. Personally, I would prefer to hear Rainbeau, her use of imagery and her very soothing voice.

Instructor Comments:
Rainbeau Mars is a joy! She speaks clearly and with intent. You can feel and visualize her words.

Lori M
