The Works: Body Sculpting

Sharon Mann
Year Released: 2002

Categories: Total Body Workouts

There is not much more I can say about this DVD than has already been covered on the forum (a lot) and probably here as well. The workout is very unique in that it allows you to build your own workout from the ground up. The cover claims that you can do over a thousand workout combinations from a single disc.

I really like the Sharon Mann "The Works" dvd series. I think they are an amazing idea and, for variety junkies, it is a great way to give yourself a thousand different workouts. The stability ball work on this disc is really great. I think that Sharon is one of themost innovative stability ball instructors out there. I bought this disc for that reason alone. I used to watch In Shape with Sharon Mann and loved what she did there so was really happy to see hat I could get her Stability ball work on a single disc so I could do it whenever I want to.

There are 4 preprogrammed workouts available for if you don't want to choose. They are: Body Sculpt, Cardio knock you out, core training, and athletic training. Alot of the other sections on the disc are equally innovative...but I don't use them that much. I tend to use it on low weight/high rep rotations. There is also a fair bit of Cardio thrown in here too.

As a final note, this is probably my least favorite of The three Works DVDs and I definitely use it the least, but for the stability ball work - I keep it around.

Instructor Comments:

Cori (ziggy2306)
