Kripalu Yoga - Gentle

Carolyn Lundeen
Year Released: 1999

Categories: Yoga

I have to say that when I previewed this workout I thought it looked boring, but I decided to give it a try and I am so thankful that I did. There are 3 people in a pretty dark room doing the workout. They are not the typical body types that you see in fitness videos, (which is nice for a change). They look like average people, and are a little older than most instructors. There are two workouts on the tape that are about 30 minutes each. In the middle of the workout there is a chance to stop or continue, I found that the 2 workouts flowed together nicely, and I also found that the 30 minutes flies by. As for the workout it is exactly what it says - gentle. The pace and exercises are perfect for relaxing and stretching. There are no vigorous sun salutations. Instead you move from a great lunge series to your knees and then into down dog. Later you do some standing forward bends. There are also some great spinal stretches. The first workout starts with a seated side and spinal stretch. With your legs crossed in front of you, you twist around to each side, placing your forearms on the floor behind you. Later, you do some spinal stretches while lying on your back (bring your knees up to your chest, and then drop them over to each side). In addition to having a good pace, this workout also adds variety to my yoga collection. There are several poses I have not seen before, and common poses are done in different ways. The seated forward bend, for example, starts with bent knees. You place your chest onto your knees and then straighten your legs as far as you can. One exercise I have never seen in a yoga video is what I’ve heard called the quadriceps stretch and balance. You stand on one leg, grab the opposite ankle with one hand, and then press your foot back in order to stretch the front of your thigh. As a previous reviewer also said, at the end of workout two, there is a “free for all”. The instructor tells you to just do whatever you want for the next few minutes. Overall I think this is a great yoga stretching & relaxing video for any level. The only thing I didn’t like was some of the “new agey” comments like “raise your hands in the air to receive grace” and “look ahead into your life”.

Instructor Comments:
The instructor has a soothing voice and is very encouraging.

