Get Moving: Walking for Weight Loss

Madeleine Lewis
Year Released: 2004

Categories: Walking Aerobics

I love this DVD. I am just getting back to working out after an injury and this was so easy to follow but really got my heart rate up. This is not for the Cathe crowd but it is fun and no dancing.

The DVD has 4 ten minute segments, three aerobic segments and a cool down. They can be done individually or together, kind of like Quick Fix. Each aerobic portion has 2 minutes of lower body toning but done at an aerobic pace. The cool down is great on its on, very relaxing. I do one segment in the morning and one after work so that I can get something in even when I'm really busy.

Instructor Comments:
Very down to earth. Motivating but not
annoying. Really cares about form
and posture.

