Strength and Grace

Minna Lessig
Year Released: 2000

Categories: Total Body Workouts

I had mixed feelings about this tape. Overall I think it is a good toning tape for a beginner to intermediate or good for a light day for someone more advanced. I think my original dissapointment came from my looking at it more from a yoga and pilates perspective and it really isn't a yoga tape. It is a strength tape that incorporates yoga posed into it. I find a like the tape a lot when I look at it as an alternative on a day I don't feel like lifting weights but not as an alternative to a yoga day. Hope that makes sense.

Minna is a good instructor who cues well and is encouraging. I like that the participants all have different body types. I don't mind if the music is recycled from Crunch Joy of Yoga because I don't have that tape. In fact, I really liked the music.

About me, I'm 29 and and at an intermediate to advanced fitness level. I have been doing videos for close to a year now to get in shape after having a baby. I previously taught aerobics and toning at a Woman's Workout World and I was very involved in ballet and modern dance as a kid through college.

Diane Miller
