Self: Bikini Ready Fast

Ellen Barrett
Year Released: 2005

Categories: Total Body Workouts

I did the 30 minute workout. I did not do the extra ab workout.

The workout itself was pretty fun. I was surprised that I enjoyed it so much.

The music for the workout was boring and I hardly registered it. I prefer great music for my workout, but had no expectations that this workout would have anything but bland music.

The cooldown music was NICE - but the cooldown was quite short, so I didn't get to enjoy it much.

There are several different groups of giant sets - including a rather "easy" plyo section.

I used 5 pound weights and my shoulders did protest a bit during some of the exercises (in a good way).

She added a lot of 8 count pulses at the end of the movements.

This is a quick little endurance workout which is fun to do. I'm not sure it'll get me a bikini ready body, but I enjoyed the uniqueness of the moves.

The problem is where to fit it in. Perhaps I could couple it with a 20-30 minue cardio workout.

Instructor Comments:
Ellen is very friendly without being over the top perky. I enjoyed her instruction.

