Lift Weights to Lose Weight 2

Kathy Smith
Year Released: 2003

Categories: Total Body Workouts

Although a lot of people don't like this workout because of Kathy Smith's "whooping", it is still a darned good workout. I always get sore the next day after doing the arms section. I usually do all the reps with ten pound weights to really exhaust the muscles, but you have all sorts of modifications, plus the two track system to use. The legs section is also intense if you add ankle weights.

I could care less about the whooping. My problem is constantly pausing the video to have to rush to get to the weight bench and to the chair, standing up, sitting down, lying down, etc. That and I wish the DVD had a good warmup and cooldown.

All in all, a good workout though.

Instructor Comments:
This is the workout that Kathy Smith has the most "whoop" factor in. She is loud, all over the place, etc. That being said, she still cues and is professional.

Lady D
