Lift Weights to Lose Weight 2

Kathy Smith
Year Released: 2003

Categories: Total Body Workouts

This review only covers the stability ball portion of the DVD workout. This is a tough workout! It contains moves which challenge your balance and work your abdominal and back muscles. Kathy does various moves with her shoulders supported on the ball, others lying prone on the ball, and still more with the ball between her legs while lying on her back. There are planks and pushups on the ball, regular crunches on the ball, roll-ins and more. She gives good form pointers (keep you hips lifted, press you inner thighs together, etc.) throughout each move.

I have only done this workout once, and it was tough for a couple of reasons. First of all, the moves are intense. I think this far exceeds Cathe's stability ball work in the Intensity series. In addition, the workout is put together at a very quick pace. I know this will be good when I know the routine better, but it was frustrating doing it the first time through. No way could I keep up with her pace!

One little complaint is that Kathy seems to hold certain positions longer on one side than the other, and is perhaps not even with counts. I'll have to see whether this is a bigger problem as I get more used to the workout.

All in all, a very tough workout for the core muscles. I liked it a lot!

Instructor Comments:
Kathy Smith is extremely fit in this workout. She does not screech or act hyper as she did in the first LWTLW video. In the stability ball workout she is just doing a voice over while we watch her on a beach.

