Secrets of a Great Lower Body

Kathy Smith
Year Released: 1993

Categories: Lower Body Strength

I'm still waiting for Cathe's Pure Strength videos so (sigh) I have to do my other weight tapes. Maybe someday I'll realize how silly I'm being & this video review will make me laugh at myself. But for now, I just want to rush when that UPS man comes.

Now for the real review. This is a good tape for beginners,intermediates, and low advanced. I think it is also good for an advanced person during one of their light weights day. A person just has to follow a different person in the video. I follow the man in the video who uses dumbbells & ankle weights. I feel I get a good workout for a light muscle sculpting day.

I wish Kathy would demonstrate the exercises either before the workout or after. However, it is convenient during the times I have to strap on ankle weights. I was debating on whether to leave them on during the whole workout. But this would be tough during the hamstring bridge exercise. This is an exercise where Kathy places a leg on top of a chair while the other is raised. Then we lift up our butt & do bridges. Cathe does the same exercise in her Wedding tape. I think Kathy has this exercise in her Timesaver weights tape too. Anyways, this exercise is really effective for those hamstrings. I also like the calf exercises in this video. We work both the upper & lower calf muscles. For the lower calf muscles, we do regular single leg calf raises but we bend our knee instead of doing them with straight legs. The straight leg version works the upper calf. I really feel my calves burning when we hit the lower calf exercises. For the glutes, my favorite exercise combo is with ankle weights bend over the back of a chair & lift up one leg. Then with the same leg, go on the floor & lift. I can feel the burn since Kathy does 3 count pulses along with regular count reps with all the exercises. Kathy and the women on this tape have really nicely toned muscles. This is motivating to me because it reminds me of how important weight lifting is.

Instructor Comments:
I think this video shows Kathy at her best. She's not too hyper (e.g. Timesaver Weights) but she's not dry either. As always Kathy gives good form pointers.

Helen Stephens
