Walk It Off With George: Walk And Box

Petra Kolber, George Foreman
Year Released: 2004

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights)

I’m reviewing this workout after previewing and doing it once each.

General workout breakdown: This walking video lasts just under 43 minutes and includes four intervals (your choice of low or high impact moves). The base walking steps include walking (or marching), side steps, and the “Foreman shuffle” (three steps and a tap); the base boxing moves include boxer’s shuffle, bob and weave, tap (or cross), power punch (or jab), hook, and upper cut. During the interval exercisers do moves like jump rope, jump rope with knees up, boxer’s shuffle, or small ski hops (side to side). The video ends with a cool down and stretches for the calf, hip flexor, and hamstring. The general pace is along the lines of what I would consider a moderately quick stroll, while the intervals are done at a light jogging pace.

Level: I’d recommend this to beginners with a little bit of experience through intermediates; the latter can get a good workout with this video by exaggerating the moves, adding more arms, jogging / jumping / etc. during the intervals, and perhaps even grabbing a pair of light hand weights. I consider myself at least at the high intermediate stage with respect to floor aerobics, and those intervals definitely worked my heart, even if the walking pace was just a little slower than I would have liked.

Class: 2 men and 7 women join George and Petra. One is of a plus size frame and three of “normal” size, but what I love is that the “thin” background exercisers all look realistically fit, not the type of skinny that you only get with genetics. Some of background exercisers demonstrate variations when there are some, and during the intervals at least two exercisers show each variation. Petra will preview some new moves, and she and George generally will stay with the basic moves when there are options to increase the intensity.

Music: upbeat music with a good beat: some of it’s pop music (recognizable, but nothing I could name), some of it’s standard exercise video stuff.

Set: interior studio space with muted lighting. A big sign in the back proclaims this is “George’s Gym,” and there are various pieces of boxing equipment, lockers, etc., lining the walls.

Production: good picture and sound. The camera shots were more or less helpful, but I wish the camera wouldn’t do so many close ups of people’s upper bodies, since this is a walking video, and I think it’s best if the camera always shows the instructor when there’s a new move.

Equipment: sneakers.

Space Requirements: Ideally you should be able to take two medium-sized steps to each side and forwards and backwards, but if you have less space, just stay in place.

DVD Notes: There are no chapters on this DVD, so have your remote handy to fast forward through the Warnings, GoodTimes logo, Walk it off with George! intro, and George’s description.

Conclusion: This is included in a set with Circuit Walk which is available separately from the infomercial set. It’s definitely the most intense of the Walk it Off with George! workouts that I’ve tried (Express Walk, Champion Walk & Sweat, Fat Blasting Walk, Walk Box & Burn, and Circuit Walk). I’m keeping this one because of the intervals.
This is comparable to Leslie Sansone’s Walk & Kick, except the intervals are more intense, the build up into the punches is slower, and there’s no kicking in Walk & Box. In comparison with Leslie’s Walk & Jog, I would have to say that Leslie’s non-interval pace is quicker while her intervals may be slightly longer. But, as the moves are executed in the videos, George’s intervals are more intense.

Instructor Comments:
Petra leads the workout. She cues decently, usually given you enough notice of move changes, and mirror cues (i.e. when she says “left,” she means your left). She’ll preview the more complicated moves, but then she’ll show the less intense variation of a move, too. Her British accent is easy to understand. Her enthusiasm and plugging for walking it off with George is almost over the top here.
George is primarily here for encouragement, although he occasionally offers tips on posture or cues a move. George also throws in a joke or two about his days as a boxer, picks on some of the background exercisers, and banters back and forth with Petra. For someone who showed such amazing dexterity in the boxing ring, he’s not the most graceful when it comes to the dancier moves, but that’s part of what’s endearing about him.

