Hot Yoga Level 2

Baron Baptiste
Year Released: 2001

Categories: Yoga

This is the second program in Baron Baptiste's older "Hot Yoga" Series. In my opinion it's the most challenging of the three from that series, though they all present their own challenges for sure :)

It's over an hour long and it is a very thorough practice that covers a large amount of poses.

While I would admit that I probably like most of his newer programs a bit more than this one, I still feel that it's an excellent program to work into one's Power Yoga rotation.

Here is a breakdown of the practice:

00:00 Intro

01:50 Uttanasana

03:10 Clasp hands and reachg overhead (while still in forward fold)

03:58 Rag Doll

04:08 Sweep up Palms together overhead and look up …..then continue with Sun Salutation A 3x’s

08:20 Sun Salutation B variation 4x’s

18:10 Hold Chair Pose

18:40 Clasp hand and reach over head in Forward Fold

19:10 Standing Side Bend (One Arm by the side, one overhead)

20:30 Standing back bend (hands at sacrum)

21:10 Bent Leg Forward bend with hands under heels (Gorilla Pose/Padahastasana)

22:10 Standing Side Bend w/ hands interlocked (index fingers point up)

23:00 Backbend w/ arms out, palms up

23:30 Standing Forward bend w/ hands under heels

24:00 Chair pose w/ arms out front

24:30 Stand on toes with arms out, then bend knees w/ toes still raised

25:00 Knees together, Feet hip width, Knees bent

25:40 Knees bent w/ Knees and Thighs together, Toes Raised with Arms up and back

26:05 Stand on toes, Knees bent, Arms forward

26:35 Knees bent w/ Knees and Thighs together, Toes raised wit Arms up and back

27:10 Eagle Pose (2x’s each side)

29:30 Sun Salutation A

30:15 Uttita Hasta Padangustasana with leg forward

30:50 then straight out, hands on hips (then repeat on left side)

31:50 Balance on Bent Left Leg, Right Leg Forward and raised forward, place hands around the soles of feet (then switch legs)

33:15 Natarajasana 2x’s

35:30 Warrior 3

36:50 Airplane Balancing on one leg, then

37:20 Bring right hand to right heel, then lunge (switch sides)

39:15 Wide stance forward bend

40:00 Wide stance forward bend (holding toes)

41:10 Triangle to Warrior 2 to Reverse Warrior to side angle pose

43:00 Do the same sequence on the left side

44:50 Parsvottanasana (left leg forward) w/ arms forward by front foot (then repeat on the right side)

46:30 Tree pose (bend right leg against left thigh first, then do on other side)

48:20 Sun Salutation (vinyasa)
48:55 Navasana

49:35 Twisting Situps

50:30 Supta Padangustasana (lying or sitting) grap right toe w/ leg up (other leg on the floor) then bring leg out to the side


52:45 Bridge Pose

53:30 Wheel Pose

54:15 Rock and Rolls 6 times (while moving in a circle) up to flat feet on the last one. Then to

54:40 Sun Salutation (vinyasa) to

55:00 Cobra to locust to Bow

56:00 Camel

57:15 Child’s Pose

57:20 Up Dog, Down Dog to:

57:35 Pigeon to Janu Sirasana w/ same leg to seated twist

then Vinyasa to Pigeon/Janusirasana to seated twist on the other side

1:03:25 Pachimottanasana Vinyasa to

1:05:00 Kneel w/ “fire” breathing

1:06:10 Savasana

Instructor Comments:
Baron is my favorite overall Yoga teacher. I really like his energy and the way he puts programs together. If you like a challenge and want to flow then Baron will certainly give you what you are looking for. He's the son of Walt and Magana Baptiste, two of the early Yoga pioneers in the United States and grew up doing Yoga.

Scott (Yogadad)
