Choreography 2 Go: Aerobics

Marcus Irwin
Year Released: 1999

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

(This review is almost and exact copy of my Choreography 2 Go: Step review, so if you've read that, you don't need to read this. My feelings about both tapes were the same.)

If this had been my first hi/lo video from Marcus I probably would have been happy with it. The choreography is good and Marcus is great. However, I would never choose to this video before his other workouts.

This was his first choreography tape released (along with the step) and is a little different than his more recent tapes. The set is different - it looks like a concrete floor with a large very dark curtain for the background. The music is also from a previous CIA series, and I am sick of that music. There are no combo numbers in the corner and I got lost counting the combos. I think there were about 15 or 16 combos. The workout is approximately 60 minutes long and doesn't include a warm-up or cooldown.

I felt like I had seen most of the choreography before. In his later tapes, he uses many pieces from this workout and improves on it, so I would just prefer to do one of the later workouts, like Xtra Flow Hi/Lo or Quick Fix Hi/Lo.

The one reason you might want to try this tape is you can get it for less money. It is still a fun workout and might be a great intro to Marcus if you don't want to purchase a full price tape.

Instructor Comments:

Lisa C
