Hot Yoga Level 1

Baron Baptiste
Year Released: 2001

Categories: Yoga

I get this tape simultaneously with Bryan Kest’s vol. 1. So I can’t help comparing them. Although Bryan Kest’s workout has more interesting poses, I prefer Baron as the instructor. He cues much better and his monotone makes me more concentrate with the poses than Bryan yelling at you. (I always want to yell back.) Before I get this tape, I have done only Yoga Journal’s Yoga for Beginners. I’m really glad that I know some form pointers from the latter tape before doing Baron’s tape, and in this case the Bryan’s tape as well. Baron and Bryan do not give much form pointers, or at least the usual pointers we are familiar with. They stress more on the sensation, which is rather vague for me. As Dawn has described so well, the tape consists of 3 sections. The pre-sport section seems to be a little repetitive but you will feel warmed up. The post-sport is very challenging for me. It is 15 minutes and this section alone is tougher than the whole Bryan’s tape. I never have a feeling like cursing any instructors before, however tough it is. But I have a fleeting feeling like this with Baron. I don’t mean this in a negative sense but definitely in a positive! After I’ve done this tape, my legs feel floppy for some time which I never feel even after Standing Legs. The last section is abs work and really good. At first I try to add each section after weight or cardio. But I find that that way I cannot concentrate properly and too exhausted to do the poses. I decide to cut one day of weight training and do only yoga instead. I don’t feel I miss anything. What yoga does for me is not relaxation or "be one with myself". (I’m too rational and too mundane). Rather it improves my strength, stamina and flexibility. Besides, it does make my abs stronger.

Instructor Comments:
Baron is excellent. I‘m planning to get his other tapes. The only thing annoying me in his tape is that there are too many background exercisers. The room (CIA set) seems crowded. When I preview, I’m afraid all the time that he might tread on someone’s hair or limbs. And it seems to be common in yoga videos that the instructors do not use the mirror cueing.

