P90X Series: Yoga X

Tony Horton
Year Released: 2005

Categories: Yoga

I have not done the full workout (yet), but I know others have been interested in what the sequence of the poses are. So, I thought I would write them down and post them here for others to refer to in the future. (I apologize if I missed something!) The workout is 1 hour and 33 minutes long. I have noted a couple of key time points for reference purposes.

Yoga X Sequences

5 breaths in mountain pose
Wide leg hamstring stretch
Wide leg bent over torso stretch
Split leg hamstring stretch
Standing side stretch
Astanga sun salutations (3)
Vinyasa into and between each of these exercises:
Runners pose
Crescent pose
Warrior one
Warrior two
Reverse warrior
Triangle pose
Twisting triangle pose
Chair pose
Twisting chair pose

You now have 59 minutes remaining:

Downward dog with leg raise
Vinyasa into this sequence:
Downward dog with leg raise
Warrior 1 then 2 then reverse warrior then 2
Right angle pose
Extended right angle pose and grab
Right angle pose
Warrior 2 then reverse, 2, 1 and out
= repeat series on other side =

Vinyasa to:
Runners pose
Prayer twist
Side arm balance to
Vinyasa… and repeat on other side

Vinyasa to:
Warrior 3
Standing Splits
Half moon
Twisting half moon
Runners pose to
Vinyasa… and repeat on other side

One final Vinyasa

You are now at the end of the moving asanas and have 43 minutes remaining.

Balancing postures begin:

Royal Dancer
Standing leg extensions with 3 variations
Crane (child’s pose is the alternative)
**brief water break**
Seated spinal stretch
Cat stretch
Bridge or wheel to knee hug to bridge or wheel
Plough to shoulder stand with leg variations
Cobbler pose
One legged hamstring stretch
Two legged hamstring stretch

You have 17:30 remaining and move into Yoga Belly 7

Touch the sky
Half boat
Open scissors
Torso twist hold
Deep torso twist hold
Touch the sky - 3 parts

Coming into the home stretch with 9:30 remaining…

Side twist
Glute stretch
Happy baby
Child’s pose
Corpse shavasana
Fetus pose
Lotus pose

Instructor Comments:
Tony reminds everyone frequently to go to your limits and that everyone is different.

