P90X Series: Stretch X

Tony Horton
Year Released: 2004

Categories: Athletic Stretch

This workout is part of the P90X set. I shared an order with another VFer and only have the cardio, Core Synergistics and this one, so I cannot compare it to Yoga X.

It is an hour-long stretch workout in the style of Slim Series Cool it Off, but I liked this one better because I prefer Tony to Debbie. There are 3 sun slautations to warm up, then the workout begins. A man shows modifications for the less flexible, and he has one girl who is super-flexible who who keeps teasing. Tony was a little more goofy and teasing in this than in some of my other workouts with him so those that found him annoying might not like this one.

There are some nice neck stretches to start, then shoulers and forearms all get attention. There is a short section of ballistic stretches, then a few yogaish moves and some floor stuff that works the legs, glutes and back. Then stand up for a low squat, then seated for more hamstrings, then close with upward dog and child's pose. It's about an hour long.

It was kind of annoying to keep switching between standing up and sitting down. I would have preferred to have allt he standinf, seated and floor work grouped accordingly, and that would also have made it possible to do this workout in sections. As is, it's tooo random to do that way so you can't really use it unless you've got the whole hour. It's a solid routine, but I seldom have time to do that much stretching at once. I liked the routine, but I think I will probably get more use out of others on my collection.

