P90X Series: Stretch X

Tony Horton
Year Released: 2004

Categories: Athletic Stretch

This is a 60 minutes worth of excellent stretches. I'll run down a list of what he does and try to explain them a bit:

Sun Salutations-3 times through--I think there is one more sun salutation at the end, but these are the only other ones.

Neck Stretch-Reach one arm behind body, grab wrist of that arm with other hand and pull while tilting your head in opposite direction of side you are pulling. Do other side

Back Up the Car-With arems straight out shoulder sheight, Slowly look over shoulder on each side. Held for a nice long count.

Head rolls to each side

Expand/Contract Back chest shoulder stretch-Nice upper back chest stretch

Topas shoulder stretch-In horse stance start in prayer position open arms straight out with palms up pointing thumbs behind you.

Wrist-forearm flex-While on hands and knees done in 2 positions, fingers pointed in and fingers pointed back, leaning back and forth and toward the back, REALLY stretching the forearms and wrist. Nice!

Dreya Forearm stretch-Tensing arms moving arms through air pretending like you are going through cement stretching your fingers, arms etc. Tough to describe!

Seated Spinal Stretch on each side

Cat Stretch-nice and slow

Glute stretch-Lie on back place one ankle on opposite thigh. Reach through and pull your knee toward you. Repeat other side. Nice hip opener as well

Arm Circles

Shoulder-Tricep Combo stretch-Extend one arm at shoulder height, pull toward your body. Take same arm and do standard Tricep stretch. Repeat other side

30 Seconds Ballistic Stretches

Wide-fee forward hamstring stretch-=Nice-held for a long time

Side twist-From forward fold place right hand on floor reach left arm up and look to ceiling. Do both sides.

Camel-Good instruction given here.

Standing side stretch

Roller-Rolling in a ball on your back 10 times

Shoulder Stand to Plough pose

Back Hero-Kneel with knees and feet wider than hips, slowly lie backward to stretch quads.

Kenpo quad Stretch-Sit on bent leg in front of you with back leg extended. Reach back grabbing back ankle and pull toward you stretching quad. Both sides

Bow pose

Low Squat-Stand with feet shoulder width apart, squat all the way down keeping chest and head up with hands in prayer. Use elbows to press against thighs and open hips. Rock slowy back and forth. OHHHHH SOOOOOOO NICE!

Frog-One hands and knees, les spread wide in parallel position. Lower upper body down toward floor while gently pressing hips backward. He shows nice modifications for this one, and it is an awesome stretch.

Seated Single-leg Hamstring stretch
One leg out, the other foot up on inner thigh, reach forward. Do both sides. Each is held a long time.

Seated Two-leg stretch-held for a long time

Ballistic Hamstring Stretch-Keeping both lebs straight with flexed feet, scissor legs sot that one is parallel with floor and other is pointing up, whitch back and forth.

Standing split leg Hamstring Stretch-Take a step forward with one leg with heels aligned, turn back heel out, exhale forward over front leg

Toe Flexor-point and flex feet and do circles to loosen up ankles

Downward Dog with calf stretches

Upward Dog with Ankle stretch

Child's pose with right and left side stretches

This was very thorough, and went pretty quickly IMO. I enjoyed the music, Tony's instruction and the way the backround exercisers showed modifications to make the stretches meet the needs of those that are less flexible or more gumby-like!
I like this much more than I liked Cool It Off from the Slim Series.

Grade:A :)

Instructor Comments:
It's Tony but he is pretty subdued. I really like him in this one. He conveys his love for and the importance of stretching in a fun and motivating way.:)

Janet Frost
