P90X Series: Shoulders and Arms

Tony Horton
Year Released: 2004

Categories: Upper Body Strength

This is an amazingly wonderful dvd. You can go for strength or endurance. Like other P90X workouts, it's your own workout, you taylor it as you like.

Everyone does their own thing, the background exercisers have fun together - often trying to out-rep each other when calling out their goal.

It's rounds of shoulder, bi, tri, and you repeat each round twice before a small break.

I think it was 4 rounds , might be 5. It's TOUGH, and fun.

Ab ripper X is on this dvd as well. KILLER ab workout.


Instructor Comments:
Tony is tony.

Silly, competitive, tries to be cool, and spends a lot of time admiring Dreya's perfect form.

LOL -not implying anything untoward here... just amused at how he always picks her. At one point he starts saying 'Va-Va-va-voom-dee-day' at something she was doing, and even she cracked a smile.

