P90X Series: Legs and Back

Tony Horton
Year Released: 2004

Categories: Lower Body Strength

This is a really different workout that combines primarily unweighted leg exercises and combines it with pullups for a really nice Leg and back workout. There were several moves that could become compound moves if you were interested in trying to get a few more upper body exercises in there. It was very sneaky in that you don't realize the DOMS you are creating while you are doing it. There were some interesting moves that developed balance, coordination, stamina, and flexibility. Not your standard squat/lunge-o-rama.
The pullups are killer as always.

There are 23 exercises after a thorough warmup that lasts about 10 minutes and a nice cooldown afterward. Here they are:

1) Balance Lunge
2) Calf Raise Squat
3) Reverse Grip Chin Up
4) Super Skater
5) Wall Squat
6) Wide Front Pull Up
7) Step Back Lunge
8) Alternating Side Lunge
9) Closed Grip Overhand Pull up
10) Single Leg Wall Squat
11) Deadlift Squat
12) Switch Grip Pull up
13) Three Way Lunge with Two Kick
14) Sneaky Lunge (HARD!)
15) Reverse Grip Chin Up
16) Chair Salutations
17) Toe Roll Lunge
18) Wide Front Pull Up
19) Groucho Walk (HARD!)
20) Calf Raises
21) Closed Grip Overhand Pull Up
22) 80/20 Cyber Speed Squat
23) Switch Grip Pull Ups

I like to avoid working my legs whenever possible!:) Being that this workout includes pullups makes it much more attractive to me and I really liked it.I can see how this would really help develop strength and stamina for people that practice yoga.

Grade A :)

Instructor Comments:
It's Tony Horton ;) :)

Janet Frost
