P90X Series: Ab Ripper X

Tony Horton
Year Released: 2004

Categories: Abs/Core

I am a big fan of ab workouts, and have lots of them. Ab Ripper X is one of my favorites. Over the past year, I've done Ab Ripper X more than any other ab workout. I know it by heart so I often do it on my own after cardio. What I like about it is the fact that you get a lot done in a short amount of time. You have to have a good base of core strength to execute the exercises using proper form. The first group of exercises where you are seated and do various in and out leg motions and bicycles, use a lot of hip flexor and quad, so you will need a good base of strength in those areas, or if you take your time and work up to doing all the reps, you will build your strength in those areas.

There are a lot of roll-up type exercises, some of which are very tough. It's great (and rare) to find an ab workout that challenges the advanced exerciser, but this one does. I find that it is very hard to do some of the roll-ups in this workout, especially since the abs are so fatigued already, so I modify them by holding a small medicine ball, which keeps the exercises effective, but helps you to get your torso all the way up.

I like the fact that you work every part of the abs thoroughly with this workout. If you want a tough abdominal workout, buy this one. Grade A

Instructor Comments:
If you've never seen Tony Horton, you would probably notice that he is a ham and a goof. He was initially annoying to me, but he's grown on me. In this workout, he is easy to tolerate because he moves quickly from one exercise to the next, and it's all over in about 15 minutes.

