Total Body Workout

Tom Holland
Year Released: 1999

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Total Body Workouts

This is a no nonsense strength circuit workout. The DVD is not chaptered and was filmed in real time. Tom sweats right along with you. Gym style strength training alternates with 1 minute cardio sections. For the cardio, I use my rebounder which works great. I've read complaints about going straight from the cardio down to the floor to do abs. When I don't feel like doing that I just stay on my rebounder during the abs section and do my own abs at the end of the workout. Tom doesn't use weights for his lower body work, but you could easily use them if you want. The set is plain, music is loud and motivating, and this DVD gets the job done in 45 minutes.

Instructor Comments:
Tom is motivating and gives good form instruction.

