Pilates Lower Body Workout

Jillian Hessel
Year Released: 2004

Categories: Pilates/Core Strength

If you are relatively new to Pilates and looking for a lower body workout that is not too challenging, this video might be for you. Prior to the workout, instructor Jillian Hessel spends a few minutes introducing Pilates and going through a brief reivew of posture principles. The workout begins with some nice foot a leg stretches while lying on your back. You then perform some of the tradition Pilates mat exercises, doing only those that focus mainly on the legs such as leg circles and bicycle. There also are some more unique moves such as opening and closing the legs in a stradle position. Next comes the Pilates side kick series, including exercises that focus on both the outer and the inner thighs; there are also a few movements performed lying face down to work the back of the legs. The workout ends with a short standing balance segment, coming in at just under 29 minutes. This workout wasn't very challenging, but if you enjoyed the thighs segment from Crunch Pick Your Spot Pilates, you will probably enjoy this video as well.

Instructor Comments:
I found Jillian to be a bit bland, but she cued well plus offered some good form pointers.

Beth C (aka toaster)
