Bollywood Booty

Hemalayaa Behl
Year Released: 2008

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

Filmed in high definition wide screen with authentic music, Hemalayaa pulls the viewer in with her "not too serious" attitude (she keeps everything light and fun). The set is pretty and colorful as is her outfit and her 2 assistants outfits.

The workout is chaptered so you can choose the warmup, workout 1, workout 2, workout 3, workout 4 and the cooldown (or choose play all). The dvd also has a bonus 7 minute classical Indian dance called Odissi. There are also 2 audio choices: music & instruction or music only.

Incorporating dance with traditional squats, plies and lunges, you'll burn calories and tone the entire lower body. You can choose to do the entire 45 minute workout or choose to do any one of the 4 quick dance segments. Very easy to follow, you'll quickly be able to pick up all the moves and add in your own personal style.

Lots of hip sashay's, big arms (using fun names such as snake arms and light bulb) and plies along with big bounces get the heart rate up without any impact (no shoes required). The twisting movements really work the core, especially the obliques. Hemalayaa does alot of tempo changes; you'll learn the move then mix it up with say a "single, single, double". The entire workout brings a very sensual, feminine way to exercise (and embrace) your body.

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