The Biggest Loser: Volume 1

Bob Harper
Year Released: 2005

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance , Total Body Workouts

I love this video! I have lots of fitness videos on my shelf, but this is the one that I pull out the most. You create your own workout from 6 options: 5 minute warm-up, 20 minute low-impact cardio, 20 minute high-impact cardio, 20 minute strength training, 20 minute Boot Camp, and 10 minute cool-down/stretch. This video is made up of basic fitness moves--nothing fancy or new--but is incredibly effective. You will be sweating and groaning along with the Biggest Loser contestants that you're working out with. (I also really enjoy that--they look like normal people like me!) Even my slender husband likes to workout with me when I do this video. 4 stars!

Instructor Comments:
Personal trainer in Los Angeles and the trainer on "The Biggest Loser" reality show, he has a great personality and isn't the least bit annoying.

