Exhale Spa Core Fusion Body Sculpt

Elisabeth Halfpapp, Fred DeVito
Year Released: 2008

Categories: Ballet/Barre

If you like barre workouts in general (and if you don't have any "issues" with ten minute segments or voice-over), I suspect you'll like this. If you are new to barre, you may find this more challenging than it appears (this is true of most barre work).

Instructor Comments:
Likable. I prefered Elizabeth to Fred (her cues seemed better and timelier). Gently spoken voice over; detailed cueing. Both gave modifications for more advanced work. BodySculpt is a barre style workout, similiar to Bar Method or Squeeze.

It's shorter and less intense than Squeeze (but I still like it more). Actually, it's been a loooong time since I did a Full Body Squeeze so I'm not sure just *how* much less intense it is. It's like Bar Method, but (most of the time) there is less time spent on set-ups. It's done in voice over, so the two instructors just do the work out without stopping for explanations. (I DID think they could have moved a little more quickly from exercise to exercise in the Thigh segment; but they seem to be really into "strength through stillness.") Since the workout is segmented into five ten minute segments, there is a short pause at the beginning of each segment where they show you this peacefull rainy screen and tell you about the muscles you are about to work (takes 30 seconds or so each time); the only warm up is at the very beginning (lotte berk/squeeze style leg lifts for about 60 seconds). The arm segment had me whiny, lol. And the thigh and stretch segments were my favorites. The "gluteal" section really, really reminded me of LB HRA; the entire segment consisted of leg raises (in four positions, each side) while folded at the waist. Believe me, I felt that one! The ab section is done with your feet on a wall (or in my case, on my Fluidity barre since I don't have an available wall). You do some twist and c-curves, etc. The instructor claimed it might be the toughest ab work you ever do. It was tough on my neck! (I repositioned my neck/hand behind my neck a few times.) I'm not sure what the toughest I've ever done is! Probably not this,...but this I felt, too!

There were some "modifications" for easier/harder variations on several moves (I had to do the easier for abs bc I didn't have a wall). I'm going to say the level is intermediate??? I think how it ranks would depend on your barre experience. I have a lot of barre stuff. It's easier than iballet. Similiar to Lotte Berk, but longer and it hits more muscle groups.

If you have Exhale Spa Core Fusions Pilates Plus dvd, I would say that this one is slightly less challenging than that one (though both are good). The quality of the workout and the convenience of ten minute segments will mean I get some good mileage from this one. Hope that Helps!

