XTRA Lite Aerobics

Denise Austin
Year Released: 1997

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance

I found this video to be perfect for someone like me. Over the past two years I have put on more weight than I'd like to admit to. Since I refuse to buy a new wardrobe and give in to the new "fat" me, I have decided to workout and eat more nutritiously. This video gives just enough of a workout. I was breathing a little hard at first, but now I can get through it without feeling like I'm going to pass out! I enjoy her words of encouragement, sometimes I think I NEED them! It's a great tape and I highly recommend it!

Instructor Comments:
Denise Austin is fabulous! I am amazed that so many have felt differently! I truly enjoy her perky personality. Those "I know you can do it!" comments really help when I feel like giving up. She's not the best at cueing, but she is certainly the best at motivation, plus she looks fantastic!

Rena Jones
